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Some chief ministers seem to have gone past the idea of just governing their states into now becoming authorities on every issue under the sun: The observation by Tripura CM Bijlab Kumar Deb, degrading a former Miss World and commenting about her lack of beauty is disgusting and disturbing. According to this very knowledgeable man, ‘she did not have the beauty’ but still won the title.

And that to my mind, is what rape is all about in this country, especially today.

If, according to the chief minister the beauty queen won without being beautiful, then she obviously won because of her confidence in herself. The confidence to stand tall like the most beautiful woman on earth. The confidence to answer questions thrown at her, and the confidence to look a man in the eye as an equal and more!

This is what these men hate! And what better way to show the woman her place then by using the muscle of their hands, their lashing tongues and the other muscle; that in their minds shows their supremacy!

They walk with a swagger along the paths of our country and say aloud as the CM just did, “Look at that girl, walking like she owns the road!”

“She’s not even beautiful,” they say, “Let us show her, her place!”

And without a bit of remorse they do just that, and the poor girl who has either taken a bus late home,or, had the confidence to walk boldly down a lonely road, is either left dead, bruised, broken or butchered, never to walk with confidence again.

Most often never to walk away alive.

Confident women like Diana Hayden frighten these men, and like the husband who assaults his intelligent wife everyday, because he cannot match her brains, these men too use brawn.


…give them ornamental posts, where they can be controlled!

“You take over as headmistress of the school!” says the managing trustee.

“But sir, it has always been given to a man till now!”

“Yes it still is,” sniggers the trustee to himself, as he puts the strong woman in the post and then controls her day to day activities.

And it needn’t just be principals of schools, does it?

It’s men with inferiority complexes and suddenly there seems to be a lot of them who do this, either pulling the woman off the bicycle of life she rides with confidence or putting them in positions they can be controlled. “Sir,” says the puzzled woman after awhile, “The cycle isn’t moving forward!”

“It’s okay,” says the man, holding onto the handlebar, “it is moving the way I want!”

Yes it is, because the movement they want, the moving forward they want, is not the efforts of the confident woman, but the keeping of that woman either in place,or on the ground, writhing as an assault takes place.

There’s rape going on in this country, and it ain’tonly sexual..!

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