Apropos your news item dated 28/01/2011, the assurance by Honble LG, that “Buffer Zone will not cause any inconvenience to the people living within the zone and that there will be no displacement of anyone on this count. Normal activites will continue …” is a welcome announcement. The peoples have been having nightmare since the cat named Buffer Zone had been let out of the bag. Misconception crept in because the public were kept in dark about the matter. But after the RD-2011 announcement by the Hon’ble LG, carried in The Daily Telegrams as well as in other local media, peoples can have a sigh of relief.
We now expect the administration to explain in clear terms the steps taken or being contemplated to be taken to protect the land and livelihood of those villages that falls in the Buffer Zone, so that the remaining misconceptions could be nailed in the coffin once and for all.
I offer my sincere thanks to the Hon’ble LG for his bold announcement on the occasion of RD-2011. I also thank The Daily Telegrams and all those private local newspaper which carried the all important Republic Day 2011 message.
Debkumar Bhadra
Shore Point, Bambooflat, S Andaman-744107