Port Blair, Sept. 22: The category-wise provisional list of candidates applied for admission to Four Years Integrated Courses viz. B.A.B.Ed. English, B.A.B.Ed. Hindi, B.A.B.Ed. History and B.Sc.B.Ed. Maths for the session 2020-21 in Tagore Govt. College of Education, Port Blair has been published online on 22nd September 2020 for the information of all concerned. The merit list is available at http://collegeadmission.andaman.gov.in/ under “Announcements” for inspection and verification.
The desirous candidates who have applied for admission to these courses are requested to thoroughly examine the list for verification of their claims. Claims and objections if any may be mailed at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or may be contacted over phone number 241345, 232695, 239688, 9434282037, 9434280223 on or before 3rd October 2020. After attending claims and objections, the final merit list will be published on 6th October 2020 and will be available online at http://collegeadmission.andaman.gov.in/ under “Announcements”. The date of counseling for admission to these courses will be published through print and electronic media as per the Covid-19 protocols. No separate intimation will be given for counseling.