The Tourism activities are permitted only in South Andaman District except Little Andaman.
The beaches will remain open between 10.00 AM to 05.00 PM daily.
Tourists/visitors to maintain a minimum distance of 02 meters in public places / beaches.
Use of face cover / mask will be mandatory for all the people visiting the beaches.
Life Guards / TSET Members posted at various beaches to wear mask and hand gloves and take other required precautionary measures.
Spiting shall be strictly prohibited on the beaches.
Entrance gate of the beaches to have mandatory hand hygiene (sanitizer) and thermal screening provisions. Only asymptomatic staff and guests shall be allowed.
Tourists/visitors shall monitor their health report about any illness immediately to the Beach Officers/Life Guards and TSET Members.
Tourists/visitors shall dispose of face cover/masks/ gloves and other leftovers only in the dustbins.
Tourists / visitors should follow the directions of staff regarding crowd management at beaches.
Separate entry and exit for guests on the beaches to be organised, wherever feasible.
Group photography will not be allowed at the beaches.
Only authorised vendors to be allowed on the beaches.
Tourists/visitors should avoid overcrowding in the washroom area.
Tourists/visitors above 65 years will not be allowed.
Respiratory etiquettes to be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one's mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/ handkerchief/ flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly after use.