Port Blair, Oct. 22: On 13-10-2020, a dead body of male has been found on the back side of bus stand near Old Ayush Hospital, Port Blair who was later identified as Devanand S/o Shri. Ledga Age – 50 Yrs. R/o Burma Nallah. On this a UDFIR No.57/2020 dated 13.10.2020 U/S 174 Cr.P.C. has been registered at Police Station Aberdeen. His descriptive rolls is as follows: Height – 5 feet 6 inch, Hair – Black, Complexion – shallow, Body – Thin, Identification marks – a black mole on the right side of stomach. He was wearing white color full sleeves shirt and light pink color half pant.
Since no relative has come forward till date to claim the dead body of the deceased, presently his body has been kept in the cold mortuary room of G. B. Pant Hospital. General Public are hereby requested to pass on information, if any, about the relatives of the deceased or for claims over the dead body to Aberdeen Police Station or Police Control Room over telephone numbers 03192-232400 & 100 respectively. If no claimant came forward for claiming the above mentioned dead body within 07 days from the date of issue of this press release, the body will be disposed off as per norms.