Port Blair, Dec. 31: The Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India has approved 23 Nos of Beneficiary Oriented Activities and sanctioned an amount of Rs. 2.00 crore (Rs. 1.60 crore for General category and 0.40 crore for ST category) for implementation of the Component / Activities in A & N Islands UNDER CSS PRADHAN MANTRI MATSYA SAMPADA YOJANA (PMMSY)”. This programmes provides subsidy @ 40% for General category and 60% for ST / Women on the respective unit cost of Components/ activities.
The District Level Committee (PMMSY) under the Chairmanship of
Shri Suneel Anchipaka, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, South Andaman selected and approved 42 applications in various activities under PMMSY on 29/12/2020.
The Zonal Fisheries Office, South Andaman is implementing the “BENEIFCIARY ORIENTED COMPONENT/ACTIVITIES UNDER CSS PRADHAN MANTRI MATSYA SAMPADA YOJANA (PMMSY)” in South Andaman District for the year 2020-21.
Altogether 62 applications was received in the Zonal Office under various activities such as Construction of Ice Plant, Cold Storage, Refrigerated vehicle, purchase of Deep Sea Fishing Vessel, purchase of motor cycle/ three wheeler with ice box, fish feed mill, construction of new ponds for brackish water aquaculture, construction of Bio-floc ponds for brackish water areas, establishment of small RAS/ Bio-floc culture system, establishment of new fin fish hatcheries etc. out of which the DLC (PMMSY) approved 42 projects.
The Deputy Commissioner, South Andaman urged more participation of Local fishermen, fish farmers, fish vendors and entrepreneurs of Islands to come forward for availing the benefits under PMMSY.
These schemes under CSS PRADHAN MANTRI MATSYA SAMPADA YOJANA (PMMSY) would help in development of the Fisheries Sector in A&N Islands and also benefit the fishermen community of these Islands.