The Hon’ble Prime Minister has urged to observe ‘VACCINATION FESTIVAL’- ‘TIKA UTSAV’ between April 11-14 to inoculate a maximum number of eligible beneficiaries against COVID-19. The ‘TIKA UTSAV' will be observed in the entire territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands starting from Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Ji's Jayanti on 11th April , 2021 to Baba Saheb Ambedkar Ji's Jayanti on 14th April, 2021, giving vaccination to all the eligible beneficiaries of these Islands.
During the last few days, it has been observed that there has been a surge in the positive cases across the country. The fivefold strategy of Test, Track, Treat, COVID Appropriate Behaviour and COVID Management is being implemented in letter and spirit to curb the spread of virus effectively in these Islands.
I appeal to all the people of this UT to extend their full support and cooperation to participate in maximum number in the forthcoming ‘TIKA UTSAV’ as well as ongoing vaccination drive so that people of 45 years of age and above alongwith Health Care Workers and Front Line Workers get vaccinated. The people of these Islands should come forward for testing, as and when required, for early COVID diagnosis and timely treatment.
I further appeal to the people to follow the COVID Appropriate Behaviour i.e. wearing of mask, frequent washing of hands and maintaining social distancing i.e.' do gaj ki doori'. The mantra of Hon’ble Prime Minister 'Dawai bhi Kadai bhi' should be insisted upon to successfully fight the pandemic.
(Admiral D K Joshi)
Lieutenant Governor
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Vice Chairman, Islands Development Agency