Port Blair, April 11: The President, Nicobar Youth Association Mr. Rayhaan Pasha has informed the Commissioner-cum-Secretary (Shipping) on behalf of Tribal Community of Nancowry, Chowra, Katchal and Teressa that M.V Kalighat was announced to sail on 05th April 2021 from Port Blair to Nancowry via Car Nicobar, Chowra, Katchal and Teressa which was cancelled.
The Tribal people of Chowra, Katchal and Teressa Island got stuck at Port Blair, Car Nicobar and Kamorta, Nancowry due to non-availability of ship. The Tribal people travelling to Port Blair and other Islands usually come for medical treatment, for higher studies, for job, to meet their relatives as well as purchasing of essential items have usually have very limited money. The stranded tribals are now facing many problems since they have been forced to stay for long in Port Blair and other Island. Pasha requested the Commissioner-cu-Secretary to make necessary schedule of ship from Port Blair to Nancowry Via Car Nicobar, Chowra, Kathcal and Teressa Island as soon as possible.