Port Blair, June 13: The Member of Parliament, Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma on seeing the financial hardships and plight faced during the lockdown period of second wave of Covid-19 by the private sector people and daily wage earners has requested the Hon’ble Prime Minister to announce a special relief package of Rs. 5,000/- and free ration for the next three months in anticipation of 3rd wave of Covid-19 for their livelihood. The MP has requested the Prime Minister of India to consider the hardships faced by them during the second wave of Covid-19 to save the poor islanders from starvation and mental depression.
The MP referred to fishermen, fish vendor, agricultural labourers, street vendors, small tea/pan shops, person working in trading/merchant shops, house maids, auto rickshaws, buses, car, taxi, jeep, truck, van drivers, cleaners, truck labourers, loading labourers, harbour labourers and persons involved in tourism sector under various categories, local transport, cargo transport, logistics, public carrier etc., coconut vendors, bamboo labourers, automobile garage workers, carpenters, cooks, waiters, cobblers, barbers, dhobis, tinsmiths, black smiths, painters, plumbers, electricians, works in small units, vegetable vendor, fruit vendors, food vendors, domestic workers, security guards, dinghy workers, small boat workers in tourism industry etc. and persons engaged in petty works.