Port Blair, July 11: Lieutenant General Ajai Singh, AVSM, Commander-in-Chief Andaman and Nicobar Command (CINCAN) visited MARCOS (PB) to review the level of preparedness. During his visit the MARCOS displayed their professional skills in all three dimensions (Sea, Air & Land) to reach and counter any emergent situation in the entire span of the island chain. The CINCAN put his hands on few of the capability enhancers such as the LSV (Light Strike Vehicle) and the variety of sniper/assault weapons.

Whilst addressing the troops, CINCAN stressed on the need of practical aspects of undertaking a special ops mission. He conveyed that the diversified specialist skills of MARCOS is a force multiplier and could be placed in multiple roles including HADR missions. He also advised all personnel to strictly maintain COVID-19 protocols. He concluded by awarding commendation cards to deserving personnel.