Port Blair, Aug 10: As part of ongoing ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav a AKAM Photo Booth was inaugurated by Shri K Balakrishna, Pradhan Shore at Shore Point junction on 10/08/2022 at 0815 am. In the simple function organised on the occasion, Shri Debkumar Bhadra, President SPARSHA briefed the gathering about the background of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. SPARSHA (Society for Promotion of Serve Humanity Among Youths), a newly registered NGO based in South Andaman sponsored the AKAM Photo booth.

The function was attended by the members of SPARSHA and villages in good numbers. After the inauguration of the Photo Booth, villagers took photos and uploaded in the Azadi Ka Amrit website. In the days to come, the booth will be placed in prominent placed in and around areas falling under GP Shore Point, Hope Town and Bambooflat.