Port Blair, July 31: A salt water crocodile was captured on July 30, 2024 near Khara Nallah at South Creek under Baratang Division. The cage was installed at Khara Nallah with the approval of the Chief Wild Life Warden considering the safety and security of the nearby residents.

The crocodile sighting was most frequent and the Joint Patrolling team headed by Smt. N.K. Parveen Shabnam, Forester and Beat Officer South Creek were keeping a strict vigil on the movement and behaviour of the crocodile as the sighting was over human habitation posing imminent danger to the human life and property. The process of capture was carried out following the standard operating procedures in such a manner to cause minimum trauma to the animal. The captured animal had been translocated and kept in captive care at Biological Park Chidiyatapu on July 30, 2024.