Mayabunder, Aug 14: In preparation for 78th Independence Day celebrations on 15/08/2024, both the Rangat and Diglipur SDPOs, Sh. Rahul L. Nair, IPS, and Sh. Ankesh Yadav, DANIPS, under the supervision of Ms. Geetanjali Khandelwal, IPS, Superintendent of Police, North & Middle Andaman district, have conducted a comprehensive verification of tenants and a thorough inspection of hotels, lodges, and home stays. This exercise involves scrutinizing the identity documents, background information, and travel history of visitors and guests, ensuring compliance with existing laws and regulations related to tenant and guest registration.

Furthermore, to enhance coastal security, Fishermen Watch Group meetings were conducted at various locations in the district. The fishermen were sensitized and urged to inform the nearest police station if they notice any suspicious activity at sea, fostering a collaborative effort to prevent potential security threats."

These proactive measures aim to prevent any potential security threats, maintain law and order, and ensure a safe and secure environment for citizens, visitors, and guests. The N&MA district police are committed to upholding the top priority of safeguarding everyone's well-being and security during the celebrations. By taking these measures, the N&MA Police aims to prevent any suspicious activities, respond promptly to emergencies, and provide a secure backdrop for a peaceful and joyous celebration of Independence Day 2024.