“This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it..” Psalm 118

How you get up from bed and face the day, with a smile or with a frown, may well be how your day will turn out to be. The day before may have been terrible, the worst things could have happened to me, but now before me, I have twenty-four hours to turn things around.

Just imagine twenty-four full hours!

And as the Psalmist says, ‘This is the day the Lord has made!” Wow, which means it was made for us to fully make the best use of it.

That’s a great optimistic thought, right?

I believe in optimism. I believe that there is great power in an optimistic attitude, especially when it is grounded in reality.

The late Brian Johnston, well-known British broadcaster, demonstrated the power of an optimistic outlook. He delighted millions of listeners with his radio programs. He was also a top-class cricket commentator and enthusiast for the game. He once said, “I am a great optimist. Every time I go to a cricket match, I think it is going to be the best game I have ever seen. Of course, it never is, but what pleasure it gives me in anticipation!”

Is he simply playing silly mind games? I don’t think so. Imagine how much more we might enjoy a meal, a book, an outing, a concert, a holiday – if we think these just may be the best we have ever experienced! A strong, positive outlook can make all the difference.

David Dunn says: “Here is good news for those to whom enthusiasm does not come naturally: Enthusiasm can be cultivated!”

“At first you must consciously put your eyes, your voice, your spirit, in a word yourself into your appreciation of people and events and things. Do this around your home, at work, and in your social contact, and you will be surprised how quickly it will become second nature.”

“You will find yourself living in a more gracious and enthusiastic world, for your enthusiasm will be reflected back to you, from the people to whom you give it.”

So start being positive from today: No matter what situation you are in, you can change things and steer your life around in to the course you want to follow.

The poet writes:

               “One ship sails east, the other west

               On the self-same winds that blow.

 ‘Tis the set of the sails and not the gales

               That determines the way she goes.”

Set your mental outlook to always expect the best. You will most often get exactly what you expect! And even if you don’t, you will still get to enjoy the pleasure of anticipation, as you turn the day around..!

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