By Adv Bhuneshwari Devi               

Protection of domestic violence act 2005 and many other laws.Whether in Indian Penal Code, Hindu Marriage Act and others it’s all speaks about violence which is illegal in any form .Let us see, what is violence? Violence means strength of emotion or of a destructive natural force. It can be of any form;, it can be physical, mental, economical & sexual. Domestic Violence Act speaks in detail about the kind of violencebut mostly we all are familiar with the physical violence type.

This physical violence is experienced by largelyall the women in one way or the other. Many accept this as part of life and many as “KISMAT”.

Is it because most men are by nature “Violent”? Or it is our understanding that being violent is being Manly? The argument is here is that, why men are so violent, not all but fairly large number of them are and cases of domestic violence is on rise is the best evidence. I amnot saying that women are not violent, but when theyare, they are usually termed asmen like, is that the reason we have laws only for the protection of women against domestic violence? Why don’t we have law which is gender neutral, like protection against violence in a matrimonial relationships?

 The day we accept our self as equal may be then we will be having gender neutral laws.Acceptance is the key. The day we accept that we have a problem in out mentality that day we will rise to see the change in perspective. Yes we need to accept the fact that law is the last resort and not the only one. It’s always better to prevent it.Laws like DV Act came after very long struggle and after accepting the fact that we have problem and we have to address it, it’s a first step towards change.

Gender based violence is a universal phenomenon it’s there in all the culture , race , caste but this needs to be address and needs to be either control or to be change. On the occasion of Women’s Day I would like to say at least have a thought of being equal not superior or inferior or special. Just be yourself just be normal.

This should not be only for women’s day keep this thought on every day of your life.

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