I opened the papers to glamorous pictures of a famous couple and headlines about their wedding at Jodhpur and their stay at the Taj Mahal Hotel in Bombay. But what made me sit up was an item in a tabloid about their chauffeur, who ferried the pair from the airport to the Taj: When asked about the drive, all he said sadly was, "They didn't ask about me!"

I thought of the couple; how they must have got into the Bentley and that hour's drive not even noticing the little man who sat a few inches away!

With the state of the economy plummeting, and money needed to handle the running of the country, rumour has it that everything under the sun would be taxed, but I didn’t know how serious it was till I went for my daily jog this morning:

There was a stranger standing inside the park and watching all the people as they walked or jogged by. He watched me disinterestedly as I finished my first round, looked a little more keenly when I did my second and then put a tick on a piece of paper when I finished my third.

A couple of my serious minded friends have been saying, “Bob you’ve been writing too much banter lately, what about a serious article?”

 “Like what?” I ask

 “Something churchy?”

 “Okay friends I’ll oblige, here’s something churchy for you!”

And as the second wave that mercilessly killed thousands in the country, exhausted the logs of wood in crematoriums, had bodies lying in queue, like they’d never done when alive, muzzled oxygen supply so that men and women could not avail the most basic requirement to live; to breathe, floated bloated bodies on sacred rivers, forcing policemen and soldiers to cover them up in the dead of night so that the press would not get wind of telltale stench, made mockery of vaccine supply so that the highest court of the land had to intercede to balance an equality that had disappeared, and as that second wave after being allowed by default to create such disaster now recedes, politicians rise from the wormwood, where they’d lain hidden from the wrath of their people, and proclaim, “We controlled the second wave!”

Politics in our country has reached such a low, that people just won’t trust politicians. I got a frantic message from a poor friend in Orissa saying that all around him people were dying for lack of oxygen, ventilators and medicine. I got in touch with another very close friend who had connections with a political party in the opposition, who promised to immediately rush whatever was needed to the poor people.