When my children were quite tiny, I made a trip to New York to visit my parents, and when returning decided I would fill my suitcases with gifts for them and also my wife. 

I stared at the amazing stuff being sold in the stores and was dazzled by the boxes, the pictures on them and glossy covers used. I picked up the gifts one after the other.

-  Dr Sudeep Singh Sachdev, Nephrologist, Narayana super speciality hospital, Gurugram

Hitting the Nation as well as globally, the COVID pandemic continues to be a growing health crisis day-by-day. With over six months of the crisis, the geriatric population has been recorded to be affected the most and the age factor poses an extreme threat to mortality and rate of infection. Even though the recovery rate shows a positive outlook with India having a rate of around 75% recovery, yet the mortality rate further needs to be curbed down.

 “Watch out!” I shouted as my driver swerved to avoid the cyclist then jumped out of the car and ran to pick up the fallen man.

That’s when I saw his bicycle.

With half of America rooting for the virus, in Trump, and the other half cursing the virus for attacking Trump, the Virus I soon found was nearly having a nervous breakdown. “Interview the Virus!” my editor barked to me without even looking up from his desk. I blinked for a second, because this was indeed as formidable as asking me to talk to St George’s dragon, so with fear and trepidation, I went and stood at the gates of the White House and found the Virus. It was nothing like what I had imagined, “I don’t know what to do!” wept the Virus, staring at me balefully, “I thought I’d got a prize catch in getting the world’s most powerful man. I thought I would be the envy of all my brother and sister Viruses but they only look at me with pity!”

 “A thundershower in October?” I whispered, as I heard thunder, saw lightning, and the sound of heavy rains. I picked up the morning papers and found that the papers had indeed predicted the same and decided to congratulate the weatherman for his excellent prediction, almost for the first time!