Dear Sir,

Apropos your news item : “Smoking in public places to be strictly banned from April 1st” I pledge my whole heartedly support for the cause. Though the ban is yet to be implemented strictly but positive results are visible already. Very few people now smoke in public places, which mean people are aware, vigorous campaign at this juncture would definitely bring desired results.

I take this opportunity to call upon the Director Health Services to initiate steps towards banning non-smokable tobacco, i.e. Zarda, Sukka, Gutka and their likes also. Peoples of almost all ages and sexes are seen chewing and spitting at public places without care a damn. The govt. is forced to spend crores of rupees on treating symptoms arising out of consuming tobacco in one or the other form. It is a menace among islanders and needs to be tackled. Sooner the better!

I am sure, the Govt. if decides, as has been done against Smoking, ban on consumption of non-smokable tobacco (Zarda, Sukka, Gutka) could also be implemented simultaneously. The benefits would be immense.

Debkumar Bhadra
Shore Point, Bambooflat, S Andaman