Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

God/universe/nature has a strict rule: all the suffering caused by man will have to be borne by man. Is anyone on this planet happy? Rich or poor? Hindus call it the law of Karma. Other religions simply dismiss it as coincidence.

The root of all suffering is the way we eat and what we want in terms of possessions: our clothing, cars, houses, money. Both these are destroying the earth. But it starts with what we eat.

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

While several States of India roil under the latest outbreak of Avian Influenza, the strategy of mass culling of poultry birds, to contain the spread, is a knee-jerk reaction adopted by health authorities. This is not the first bird flu outbreak in India. Repeated outbreaks have been occurring since 2006 – all met with the same response: killing millions of birds  to “contain” the disease.

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

That a vegan diet helps in reducing, and even removing diabetes and heart disease, is fairly well known. While generally higher in carbs, vegan diets are up to 2.4 times more effective at improving blood sugar management in people with diabetes. Vegan diets are also more effective at reducing total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, compared to omnivorous diets

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

By the time you read this, lakhs of chickens will have died of Avian Flu. Some will have died naturally. Others will have been beaten to death or strangled.

How many do you think will be buried or burnt? Very few. Most of them will land on your plate, sold at reduced prices by the poultries.

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

According to a research study,  people lie at least once a day, but even that number is probably a lie. However,  humans are not the only species on earth that are capable of  deception. You will find as much danger and intrigue in the animal kingdom as in a Tarantino film. Many primates, especially the common chimpanzee, display the ability to deceive in order to gain competitive advantage. Such acts range from the simple, as in a chimpanzee deliberately leading his troop away from a hidden food stash,  to the relatively complex, like a subordinate chimpanzee exploiting the fear of darkness of a superior chimpanzee in order to stop his bullying behaviour. Their  lying is not malicious or mischievous, it is only to improving their own chances of survival. Nor is it only their own kind that primates seek to fool. There is the infamous case of Koko the gorilla blaming a kitten for the mess he had made in his den. Sounds exactly like any teenager!