“Pink pajamas!” I roared as I tore opened the parcel and looked at the pajamas that the online store had sent me, “I ordered brown not pink!”
“Check whether it’s comfortable!” said the practical wife.
“But who wears pink pajamas!” I muttered and then slipped into them, “Wow!” I said.
“Wow, about the pink or how comfortable they are?” she asked smiling.
“Both!” I said, and realized how my initial reluctance to wear a colour I hadn’t worn before, would have robbed me off an exquisitely comfortable experience and the trying out of a shade, that quite suited me!
Even as I look at myself in the mirror, with the pink pair still on, my mind goes to my own book DARE and the chapter which I had written, “Dare to Make an Ass of Yourself!”
My reluctance to wear pink was because I didn’t dare, and after I did, the pink did suit me.
I thought of many other Dares that I daren’t try, but the one that sticks out in my mind today, is the pink we don’t like wearing and moving around with, the pink of proclaiming a God above.
We love to pray, we love to ask God for this, that or the other, sometimes on our knees when a loved one is sick or needs help.
We do so, even when we get the ‘pink slip’ and are told our jobs have gone elsewhere or a contract is lost, but do we wear that pink, and tell others later of a God who was faithful and stood by us in those same difficult times?
Most often we don’t.
We hate making an ass of ourselves by talking of God. Why?
“You see Bob, pink might be an embarrassment, you know?”
Let me hasten to assure you that it isn’t.
Oh no, not my pajamas, but the pink we avoid in talking of One who has stood by us, healed us and brought joy when there was despair.
Talking about that ‘Lifeline’ to others may give many hope in their own times of need.
Wearing pink, and making an ass of yourself could well be the hope that someone needs, and I believe one shouldn’t stop proclaiming Him to others.
Sadly, most of us hate wearing pink! You may not believe this, but the ones who ask me politely to stop mentioning the Divine in my columns quite often belong to my own faith.
They hate wearing pink.
If they only would, if you only would, you would find like me, how comfortable it is to do so, and hey, God and you go well together..!
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