Here’s some interesting tips to all those who are intent on making a success of their careers” Says Richard Moran: Business is made up of ambiguous victories and nebulous defeats. Claim them all as victories.

Keep track of what you do. Be comfortable around senior managers. Never bring your boss a problem without some solution. You are getting paid to think, not to whine.

Long hours don’t mean anything; results count, not effort.

Every part of Ireland was beautiful to me last week as we drove through the country, with its lush green farms, long winding, narrow country roads, and folklore that still lived in the minds of locals we met in pubs, taverns, restaurants and churches. But even as we saw what God gave the Irish, we also heard about fights they had in the name of God.

It was only in the late nineties, after thousands had died through bullets and bombs that a brokered peace was established twixt the two warring religious sects, both believing in the same God, but each believing their method of worship was the best.

Have just seen the Falkirk Wheel today while driving through Scotland.

When all the world wondered how to raise a boat or ship faster from one level to another, instead of using the very tedious locks process that’s done at the Panama Canal, an engineer in 2001 used the principle of Archimedes and was able to lift a boat thirty meters high in a few minutes.

I’ve just returned from seeing this marvelous invention at work!

Maybe it’s having the twins back home again, that reminded me of a conversation I had with them a couple of monsoons ago: “What’s that?” asked one of them pointing to a huge shell on the ground.

“It’s a shell, with a snail inside it!” I explained. They both looked at it awhile, and slowly we saw the snail’s head coming out and two beady eyes looking at us. Then the snail slowly started its journey across my garden.

Grace was my dad’s youngest sister’s name and maybe that’s why he loved telling me or reminding me of the story of Grace Darling.

Years ago, one cold winter evening, a storm bore down upon a little fishing village, somewhere off the west coast of England. The wind and the rain came down with an unmatched fury. All the villagers from the fishing village braved the rain and came on to the shore and slowly breathed a sigh of relief as boat after boat, with their loved ones, returned home, till each and everyone was safe.