As science progresses, men are slowly becoming a worried lot as they find women are slowly not going to need them anymore and could one day become pregnant even without their help. “Human embryos without fathers, what’s to become of us?” asked a bespectacled fellow emptying his glass with one gulp.

 “Who’s this rotten scientist who’s doing this to us?” asked a fourth fellow, who was considered a bit of a ladies man, “the other day I was at a party and the chicks were all in a corner and didn’t even notice when I walked in.

 “They don’t need you anymore stud!” laughed the man with the beer.

 “I don’t think it’s a laughing matter,” said the bespectacled fellow, “I don’t know what I would do without my woman.”

 “Hey you got us for company,” said the ladies man.

 “You know how to make a cup of tea?”

 “Sure I do.”

 “And bring it to me with love in your eyes?”

 “You asking too much man!”

 “Yeah? But that’s how me wife does it!”

 “He’s right!” exclaimed the beer- drinking fellow.

 “So what we gonna do?” asked the third man as he scooped all the peanuts into his hand and threw them one by one into an empty beer glass.

 “You gotta stop doing what you’re doing first,” said the bespectacled man.


“Whatcha talkin’ about?” asked the man with the peanuts.

 “They don’t like all that mess you’re creating.”

 “They don’t?” asked the ladies man.

 “Or your strut, swagger and showing off!” continued the man with the glasses.

 “Hey whose side you on?” asked everybody.

 “Yours, I mean ours,” said the man with the spectacles, “but if we fellows don’t behave, the way its goin’ we fellers will only have each other fer company.”

 “No more messin around?”


 “No more late nights and guzzling the bubbly?”


 “No more chasing skirts?”


 “Okay!” said all the men as they got up from their table.

 “Where you all going?” asked the bartender.

 “To lynch those scientists who are ruining our lives they all cried and walked out of the club…!

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