- Details
- Denis Giles
- Hits: 459
Port Blair, July 7: An awareness programme on public health for improvement of nutrition and to reduce illness was organized by the ICDS Tribal Project in the Anganwadi Centre at Kinyuka Village recently. Dr. Manjay Shree, CDPO (TP) spoke about health for children (0-6 yrs) and pregnant women. The Medical Officer, BJR Hospital and ANM spoke about improvement of nutrition and to reduce illness under Scheme ‘Poshaan Abhiyaan’. The programme was concluded with the interactive sessions. The villagers from Kinyuka participated in the function. The programme concluded with the Vote of thanks proposed by Smt. Rose Mary, Mukhya Sevika.
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- Denis Giles
- Hits: 478
Port Blair, July 7: To IGNOU Regional Centre, Port Blair will be issuing the Video CDs tothe students from its library. Presently the library has 99 CDs todistribute among the students through Audio-Video CD librarymembership. The CDs are available on the subjects- i.e. Nutrition &Health Education, Higher Education, Management, Life Science, LibraryScience, Journalism and Mass Communication, Sociology, PublicAdministration, Disaster Management etc. . Interested IGNOU studentscan deposit Rs.1000/- as refundable caution deposit and get a CD for10 days period. This academic service has been inaugurated on 2nd July2019 during Prof. G.Ram Reddy memorial lecture day (founderVice-Chancellor of IGNOU). Interested students may contact Ms. AsmaBibi, Semi-Professional Assistant (Librarian) (Ph No. 03192-242888)during its working hours (9.30 - 6 pm) between Monday to Friday.
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- Denis Giles
- Hits: 500
Port Blair, July 7: Shri Kuldeep Rai Sharma, Member of Parliament mourned the death of Shri Victor Paul, s/o Late Paul Lagwan, R/o Birdline, 82 years who left for heavenly abode on 6th July, 2019 and prayed to Almighty for the eternal peace of the departed soul and strength to his family members.
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- Denis Giles
- Hits: 2079
Port Blair, July 5: In an effort to mobilize the students and entrepreneurs of these Islands to become Startups leading to increase in employment in these Islands, Directorate of Industries, A&N Administration in association with Invest India Startup Team of Department for Industrial Development and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India organized a one day seminar on “Startup India” today (5th July 2019) in the Conference Hall of Directorate of Industries, A&N Administration. Shri Indu Shekhar Mishra, Secretary (Ind.), A&N Administration was the chief Guest of the inauguration session. The inauguration session started with planting and watering of plant by the Chief Guest and other dignitaries present in the seminar, symbolizing “Go green, save planet” concept.
The chief guest launched the Andaman and Nicobar Startup Website, which will enable the interested startups to online submit applications for various incentives under A&N Innovation and Startup Policy, it will also help the startups to get a know how about the new initiative of the Administration for development of Startups in these Islands.
In his address, the chief guest requested the entrepreneurs and students to take up their self employment ventures and provide employment. He also requested the startups to avail the various benefits of Central Government and Andaman and Nicobar Administration for strengthening their startups.
Shri Ajit Anand, Director of Industries, A&N Administration welcomed the Guest and the participating students, startups and entrepreneurs. He informed the gathering about the various initiatives of Directorate of Industries to nurture the seeds of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for building an enabling eco-system in these Islands. He informed that A&N Islands with its Andaman and Nicobar Innovation and Startup Policy has become the first Union Territory to have its Startup Policy. He also informed that the operational guidelines for fiscal incentives under the policy has been notified and uploaded in the National Portal of Startup India and also in the Administration website. He detailed about the various incentives available under the startup Policy.
Shri Nishant Malhotra, Assistant Manager, Invest India gave a wide picture about the seminar and its objective. He also detailed about the various Central Support available for startups.
The inauguration session was followed by technical session, where Shri Aaqib Hussain, Director (I & We), Mr. Anirudh Rastogi, Founder IKIGAI Law, CA Anushk Kapoor, Co founder (Fitdote) and Mrs. Reema Jain, Gugair Advisors, LLP explained the gathering about the various aspects of Startup like Do’s and Don’ts while starting up, 10 mistake startup makes etc. Shri Nishant Malhotra, Assistant Manager, Invest India gave a presentation on Startup India.
The Seminar was attended by 150 students/startup’s and entrepreneurs. The technical session was followed by a pitching competition wherein Mr Tarun, Ms. Yasmin, Mr. Ujval Lall, Mr. Bikash Barua, Mr Vinod Varma, Mr Sunil Gupta and Mr Shivam Giri pitched their innovative idea. The Announcement of winner of pitching competition shall be declared through twitter handle of Startup India.
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- Denis Giles
- Hits: 548
Port Blair, July 5: South Andaman Police has started a drive for tenant verification in South Andaman District. In this connection, a special desk has been set up in all Police Stations of South Andaman District to facilitate the same. The prescribed form for tenant verification can be downloaded from A&N Police’s website (www.police.and.govt.in) or the same can be obtained from the concerned Police Station.
General public is requested to support the efforts of South Andaman Police and get the character and antecedents of their tenants verified through Police. People are also requested to cooperate with the beat staff who are engaged in door to door verification.
- Details
- Denis Giles
- Hits: 470
Port Blair, July 5: South Andaman Police observed the 70th Van Mahotsav-2019 by planting more than 500 saplings of flower/fruits bearing plants/trees at Police Stations, Out Posts, JPPs, residential quarters etc. On the occasion, the Police personnel, Student Police Cadets and resident of colonies participated in the plantation drive and planted saplings of Coconut, Jamun, Mango, Guava, jackfruit etc. in presence of Shri. Deepak Yadav, IPS, SP(D)SA at PS Humfrigunj & Pahargaon. Concerned SDPOs, SHOs & Unit in-charges led the drive in their jurisdictions.
- Details
- Denis Giles
- Hits: 547
Port Blair, July 5: In order to make the students placement ready, equipped with certification courses on newer subject area as well as on conventional areas, the A&N Administration is keen that the faculty and students of various higher education institutes should undertake online courses from SWAYAM platform, a project of MHRD, GoI designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity and quality. Under SWAYAM-NPTEL, the registration of 358 courses, available across various disciplines is open for the Jul-Nov 2019 run till July 15, 2019.
The different course category and number of courses include Aerospace Engineering (6 courses), Agriculture & Food Engg (7), Architecture and Planning (5), Biotechnology And Biosciences (14), Chemical Engineering (17), Chemistry and Biochemistry (18), Civil engineering (27), Computer Science and Engineering (48), Electrical Engineering (36), Humanities And Social Sciences (25), Management (30), Mathematics (17), Mechanical Engineering (39), Metallurgical And Materials Engg (13), Mining Engg (01), Multidisciplinary (17), Ocean Engineering (1), Physics (11), Textile Engineering (5), Earth Science (3), Bio-Technology(19), Design Engg (4).
SWAYAM seeks to bring the best of teaching in the country to all to bridge the digital divide for students who have hitherto remained untouched by the digital revolution and have not been able to join the mainstream of the knowledge economy. Interested candidates may register themselves free of cost online https://swayam.gov.in/explorer or https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in. The certification exams shall be carried out through MOOCs and will be conducted at Dr. B. R Ambedkar being the Local Chapter of SWAYAM-NPTEL courses.