Port Blair, Jan. 8: Kayakalp guidelines, framed by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GoI are being adopted by G B Pant Hospital for sanitation, housekeeping, infection control, general maintenance, waste management, and support services etc. The hospital has undergone two peer assessment rounds and the third round of assessment by representatives from MoHFW will take place in next one week.

This initiative has been taken not only to improve the overall ambiance of the institution but also to prevent Health Care Associated Infection (HCAI) that are most common complications of health care management and contributes significantly to increased duration of hospital stay along with morbidity and mortality among patients. Thus, to monitor and improve practices, identify risks and proactively establish policies to prevent the spread of infections in GBPH, ANIIMS has set up Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC) and formulated the Hospital Infection Control Program (HICP). The guidelines under this program aim to reduce the probability of cross infections among patients, decreased length of stay after surgery and ensure safe care to newborn babies and their mothers. It is thus necessary for all the staff and patients in GBPH to strictly adhere to these guidelines.

Patients have been requested not to bring more than one attendant to take care in the hospital while admitted in the wards. The attendants should strictly follow the instructions regarding no smoking/tobacco consumption, no sharing of bed with the patient and no spitting in the hospital premises. For the patients admitted in the critical areas (ICU/CCU/NICU/PICUs/Operation Theatre, Post Operative area), only one attendant will be allowed inside the area, with all precautions, after permission of the sister in-charge of that area. However they can wait in the waiting area and can see their relative/patient. The visiting hours for admitted patients, fixed for the attendants need to be strictly adhered to.