A few years ago an acquaintance of mine called me and talked about some work he wanted done with a religious organization, “ Is it all above board?” I asked suspiciously.

 “Maybe a few things are a little irregular here and there,” he admitted, “but then a little greasing of hands is inevitable!”

 “But these are religious people,” I reminded him sharply, “I don’t think they will stoop to accepting a bribe!”

Very often I sit at home and watch a good Hindi movie. I find nothing has changed in the past few decades; in all the movies the father may be a strict man, maybe a shrewd businessman, maybe hard hearted and tight fisted, but nearly always spoils his daughter.

However bad or good the father is, he still spoils his daughter.

Nelson Mandela taught the world a huge lesson on forgiveness when, emerging from prison after twenty- seven years and being elected president of South Africa, he asked his jailor to join him on the inauguration platform.

He then asked Archbishop Desmond Tutu to head an official government panel, with a daunting name; the Truth and Reconciliation Committee.

How often we pray for an easy path, an easy life without problems and worries, but have we ever thought that so many of the difficult things we go through are what puts spice into our earthly lives? That what we consider difficult is meaningful? That what is difficult is good, or sometimes even better than the easy things?

Here, today is a list compiled by another, of some things easy, and those that are difficult. I read it, loved it, and thought you would to:

Indian cricket, I had heard a few years ago, was against modern technology that would reduce human error when it comes to umpiring decisions! Howzat! They would prefer the men in white coats to remain on the field. They would prefer to see his spiraling finger declaring them out or not out. They would prefer the suspense of wondering whether the umpire had heard the snick from their bat as the appeal from the wicket keeper for caught behind rises up in their ears!