How well I remember this bridge being built, because the British made bridge next to it too narrow. Today’s paper said, it was beginning to fall off and needed extensive repairs, and I think of the many bridges, flyovers, roads and government buildings all over the country that have either fallen within a few years of them being built or are already in poor shape. “We need to build a bridge across the river!" says the minister to his people while visiting his constituency and smiles as they clap and applaud.

I still remember that day, I slipped and fell in the bathroom. My feet shot into the air and I fell with a thud on my back. I gingerly opened eyes and found that except for a slightly bruised elbow, I was none the worse for wear. I cautiously glanced around; I could have hit my head on the side of the tub, have blacked out or fallen over. I looked up and whispered a thank you prayer to God, then suddenly felt ashamed: It had been a long while since I’d said thank you to Him.

As a teenager, I quite often faced pimples, and sometimes a single pimple sprouting out of my face could wreck my confidence, my evening and even make me lose a date! I remember an ad that used to come out, “If pimples are your problem, use Clearasil!”

My neighbor, who saw me leaving for America, and knows I have the former US President’s ear, called out to me from his window, “You think you can talk to Trump, Bob?”

“What’s it about this time?” I asked wearily.

“American universities don’t have my daughter’s course anymore!” he said, “She plans to do architecture!”

Was enjoying my coffee on my terrace garden this morning, watching friendly squirrels and birds pecking at pieces of bread I’d thrown for them, then slowly began to feel restless, even as I was enjoying the most peaceful moments of my day. I pondered on this and realized that this peace though fulfilling was still not lasting, and my mind was already saying, “What’s next on the agenda Bob?”