Three years ago my schoolmates started a WhatsApp group and it suddenly struck me and a few of my classmates that there were so many who’d played an important role in our lives. I began to think, and realized that so often we take time to thank people who are important, but forget to thank those who we think are little people who played big roles but were too unimportant we felt to get our thanks.

"Amazing!" I exclaimed at what I was reading on a website, "Two-thirds of the world's 946 billionaires made their fortunes from scratch, relying on grit and determination, and not good genes." I read on, "Bill Gates was a dropout, who finally got his honorary degree from Harvard University in June, 30 years after quitting the prestigious school to sell software!"

"Other billionaires, such as Oprah Winfrey, made their fortunes against far greater odds!

- Shahnaz Husain

Adequate and regular sleep is very important to maintain natural beauty and delay the manifestation of aging signs. During sleep, the body is most relaxed and the essential body processes slow down. This is when the repair and restoration process of the body goes on and the renewal of new cells speeds up. Blood circulation to the skin surface also improves while we sleep. This helps to add a healthy glow to the skin. No wonder, we call it “beauty sleep.” On the other hand, lack of sleep reflects itself on the skin and eyes. The skin looks pale and dull. Fatigue also shows up in the eyes. In fact, lack of adequate sleep affects both beauty and health.

India watches shocked, as a powerful tyrant uses muscle, might, and maximum force to pulverize and bully a smaller country. Even as we are appalled, outraged and horrified, even as we look across the ocean at the UN and expect that supposedly mighty institution representing the world to put an end to the strong arm, Russian judo expert and his ambitions, we see our own country politely abstaining from chastising the bully.   

Just one bullet! An assassination of an archduke, and the first world war began!

Millions died on battlefields. It was a war which led to the next world war, where not just the battlefields, but gas chambers smelt of charred, burnt human flesh!

Today, a stunned world looks at a Russian madman! Who with his act of madness could be unleashing another world war!