Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

What is Maya? Narada Muni wanted the answer so he meditated for decades until Vishnu appeared. "Come", the god said, "let us walk and I will tell you what Maya is". They walked on the hot sands of the desert and soon they were tired, dusty and thirsty. Then Vishnu pointed at a small hamlet and said, "Narada, please get me some water". Narada knocked on the first door and a girl of beauty and grace opened it. "Come in, my lord", she said. He entered to a welcoming family who gave him food and water and he stayed for months until he asked for the girl’s hand. He married her and had three children. 12 years passed and suddenly there was a flash flood that destroyed the village. Narada took his three children and wife and tried to get out of the high swirling waters. But they were swept away and he found himself alone. He sat in the ruins of his life and cried bitterly. And then he heard the distant voice of Vishnu calling, "Narada, I’ve been waiting half an hour ! Where is my water ?" And then Narada realised that everything was a dream.

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

When Indian elephants meet African elephants, they recognise that they are both elephants. So do Indian tigers meeting Siberian ones. But I have great difficulty recognising that I am of the same species as a person who attends a Wildfoods festival in New Zealand to drink shots of bull and horse semen taken fresh from animals that have had humans masturbate these animals.

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

My mother, who is remembered by friends and family alike as the world’s most buoyant and caring person, spent the last few months of her life ill in bed with cancer. But no matter how sick she was, the first thing she did every morning was to spread bajra on her balcony for the birds. She said the happiest part of her day was to lie back in bed and watch the daily drama. First would come the fat feisty pigeons who would jostle each other off the ledge and spend more time fighting than feeding. Then the rose-ringed parakeets (some of whom from a batch that had been rescued and released nearby) who ate quickly and quietly. And then came the timid little sparrows pecking at the seeds furtively and vanishing as magically as they appeared.

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

I cannot make up my mind: is the meateater, who eats dead animals killed in slaughterhouses, worse than the meateater who kills the animal himself while eating it?

There is a certain type of person who goes to a restaurant, chooses a live fish, octopus shrimp or snake in a transparent aquarium tank, has it taken out of the glass and killed and cooked in front of him. His only reason for this to himself is that the meat should be “fresh”. In actual fact some people truly enjoy suffering. That, for them, is as important as the taste.

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

Compassion is not a hobby, or something you do in a good mood, or when you are well fed, or with your friends. It is a mental state, or an orientation towards suffering that includes four things -

Recognizing that there is suffering.