By T. Jaya Raju)

The history of Ridván festival *begins during the afternoon of April 21, 1863 (around 3:00 p.m.)*, when *Bahá’u’lláh arrived in the Najíbíyyih Garden,* subsequently designated as the *Garden of Ridván.*

It is observed this year, from sunset on *April 20 (marking the onset of April 21, 2019* as per the Baha’i Calendar) to sunset on May 2, 2019.

Bahá’ís consider the *12-day Festival of Ridván* (Paradise) as pre-eminent among its various Holy Days.

*Ridván marks the inception of the Baha’i Faith as a distinct religion*.

Through the *previous decade* (1853–1863), Bahá’u’lláh had concealed His Mission.

This period of *“Messianic Secrecy”* has been referred to as the *“Days of Concealment”*, although Bahá’u’lláh’s writings in Baghdad during this period were *rife* with hints about his *Prophetic Mission*, especially in His pre-eminent doctrinal text, the *Book of Certitude (Kitáb-i-Íqán)*, which was *revealed in two days and two nights in January 1861*.

Beyond the basic revelation that He was *“He Whom God will Make Manifest.”*

Every year, on the *first day of Ridván, Bahá’ís in thousands of localities around the globe vote for their *local governing councils.*

Also *during the festival, National Conventions* are held in some countries and territories, during which delegates vote for the *national governing bodies of the Baha'i Faith*.

Several years later (ca. 1867–1870), *Bahá’u’lláh sent open epistles (called Tablets) to a select group of the world’s most powerful potentates and clerics, proclaiming Himself to be the “Promised One” foretold by the Prophets of all the past religions.*

In these Tablets, together with general *Tablets addressed to Kings* and *Religious Leaders* collectively, *Bahá’u’lláh stated that He was, the *long-awaited “World Reformer”* who came to unify the world—a *transformation* that would, in the course of time, come about through the *power of His Universal Principles* and *Laws* adapted to the *needs of this day and age*. 

On these Bahá’í Holy days of April 21, 29, and May 2, 2019 work is suspended.