What is it that is blinding our people? A bridge that stretches out into the sea, tunnels, metros and bullet trains that cut short travel time and that speak of a new India, equal to the west. They think they see progress.

But is it?

In my recent visit to New York, it was a strange sight I saw. Not just subways, gigantic bridges and lengthy tunnels. Oh yes, they were all there, but what I saw was freedom written on the faces of people.

The little boy was weeping outside the closed doors of the church. His tears flowed like tsunami waves down his check. A stranger passing by, stopped and enquired, “Why are you crying little boy, that too outside a church?”

The little boy looked up to the stranger and said, “The priest could not pray for my mother! She’s dying, but before I could reach the priest to ask him to pray for her, the doors were closed!”

Though the remarks by the Maldives deputy minister in ridiculing our PM as a ‘clown’ and a ‘puppet’ are immature and uncalled for, I do believe the bigger thing to have been done in this situation was for the PM to have laughed it off, instead of making it a focus of so much discussion and activity. Suddenly a huge amount of money is being poured into Lakshadweep in retaliation, but are there better causes for those same funds than that of building an alternative to the Maldives tourism, just to retaliate?

Years ago one of the first songs I loved playing on my harmonica was the Negro Spiritual, “Gone Are The Days.” It was a sad song and had a plaintive melody but ended with the words, “I’m coming!” as the black slave sang out to his God that he would soon be with Him. A friend sent me these words below, which reminded me of the same song and days gone by:

Gone are the days when we queued up in the book depot, and got our new books and notes. The days when we wanted two Sundays and no Mondays, yet managed to line up daily for the morning prayers.

“…..A common courtyard is swept by none’….” Chinese Proverb

 “Park your taxi to the side of the road!” I told the taxi driver gently as he got out of his cab to go to the local temple.

“Are you the police?” he asked me.

“No!” I said.

“Then mind your own business!”