“What shall we play today?” asks India.

“Doctor Bashing!” reply the people as they walk to a hospital with iron rods and sticks.

Last evening I had a visitor, a young medical student from one of Maharashtra’s medical colleges where doctors are getting bashed up with increasing frequency! I had seen her as a child, studious, intelligent, an intensive public speaker, had watched as she’d put heart and soul into her books, finally to win a seat in medicine. She had won. Was overjoyed.

And now fearful.

“I knew the doctor they beat up,” she whispered, “He was an excellent teacher, and an insightful physician, now the mob have made him a cripple! Is that what’s going to happen to us?”

Yes, is that what is going to happen to some in the medical profession? There have been over two hundred and fifty cases of such thrashing of doctors in Maharashtra alone!

And it’s happening all over India.

In the days of old, when an influential patient fell ill or was injured badly, the monarch of the realm summoned his physician and informed him on pain of death, the patient should be cured. The doctors of those days worked under the threatening shadow of hangman’s noose, sword or guillotine!

As civilization evolved, people grew educated, realizing doctors were not magicians; they healed as much as science had developed. They were limited also, if equipment was not available, or specialist not on call.

The world understands this, but the Indian mob, or vote bank doesn’t.

Not only have the cries of medical students, for, of all things, protection, gone unheeded, but they have been told emphatically to stop protesting or they will lose their seats!

It’s like telling a politician that if you ask for security, you will be disqualified as an MLA or MP!

Or telling a learned judge, that if your life is at stake, we, the state are not responsible!

I see fifty percent of the police, yes fifty percent of the 46,000 policemen in the state guarding ministers, legislators, judges and other VIPs!

But, and this is a big but, if the government continues, with this unhealthy trend, I repeat what I saw in that little girl’s eyes, a reluctance to serve in rural areas, or even in cities, without security. If this happens, the same government can build the best hospitals, equip it with the best machinery, but such will be staffed by empty corridors!Empty consulting rooms!Empty operation theatres!

Then one day soon, India will ask again, “What shall we play today?”

“Politician Bashing!” will scream the tired, sick, hysterical, mob, as they look at hospitals without doctors, and vote these politicians out..!

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By Yogi Ashwini

In the previous article we understood the root cause of arthritis and how one can keep it at bay. Along with the ayurvedic cure and cutting emotional connections from the surya chakra the below asans, as entailed in the Sanatan kriya, are very beneficial for anyone suffering from arthritis.

It is advised that you visit a Dhyan Foundation center near you to learn the correct way to practice the below asans.

Pay reverence to the energy of the Guru and Lord Ganesh.

Prarambhik Mudra: Sit with your legs outstretched. Ensure that the back is straight and both legs and heels are joined together. Place the palms on the ground next to your hip, fingers pointing away from the body. Gently loosen all the joints.

Ardh Titli : Bend the right leg and place the right foot as far up as possible on the left thigh. Hold your right knee with your right hand and your right foot with your left hand. Inhale and gently push your right knee towards your chest. Hold the posture for sometime. Exhale as you gently push the knee down till wherever comfortable. Do this seven times and repeat with the other leg.

Shroni Chakra: Bend the right leg and place the right foot as far up as possible on the left thigh. Hold your right knee with your right hand and your right foot with your left hand. Now rotate the right knee gently in the clockwise direction and then counterclockwise seven times each. During each rotation inhale for half a circle and exhale for the rest half. Repeat with the other leg.

Supt Udarakarshan Asan: Now lie down on your back and place palms under your head. Bend your knees and keep your feet on the ground. Inhale and slowly lower your knees towards your left . Simultaneously, turn your head towards the right. Hold for sometime, exhale and come back to the original posture and relax. Now lower your legs towards your right and turn the head towards left. Hold for sometime. Exhale and come back to the original position and relax. Do 3 sets of this.

Be careful spine should not be twisted more than whats comfortable, Stop on the slightest pain or discomfort. In yoga pain is an indicator and should be taken seriously.

Shavasan: Now relax in shavasan. Take your awareness to all the joints in the body one by one; strengthen them with the strength of your awareness, spending a little more time on the areas that are weak.

The energy in any yogic kriya or asan needs to be channelized by a Guru who does not charge any fee for it and does not bound it by maya. Yog is a science of the entire creation and only a Guru and make a Sadhak experience the energy behind this fast subject.

Yogi Ashwini is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and an authority on the Vedic Sciences. His book, 'Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension' is an acclaimed thesis on anti-ageing. Log onto to www. dhyanfoundation.com for more

By Arun Bapat

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The Andaman and Nicobar Island area along with neighboring Indonesia, Thailand and a number of south Asian countries have tremendously suffered due to 26 December earthquake (of magnitude around 9.3) and associated tsunami. The event could be described as most unprecedented natural hydraulic disasters. The Nicobar Island has suffered maximum as compared to the Andaman Island.

Statistically, the occurrence of tsunami is extremely rare event which could once in few decades or century. The transient event gives rise to spurt of violent and frenzied disgust resulting in some immediate populist but non-scientific and improbable suggestions. After the December 2004 Tsunami the then Chief Minister of Tamilnadu requested to provide sufficient financial aid to build a 700 km long wall in Arabian Sea opposite Tamil Coast. This was to protect the Tamilnadu coast.  The then Prime Minister immediately granted the funds. Subsequently the whole thing was forgotten by people and Government. It could be said that we sink as we rise, through sympathy.

There have been several conferences, seminars, congress, debates etc after the event. But these were mostly confined to scientific, engineering or some administrative fields. As a matter of fact some of the findings, observations and results etc should be helpful in planning future plans to avoid and suitably mitigate the tsunami disaster.

Some significant observations during pre-, co- and post-seismic event of 26 December 2004 have been used extensively in various scientific disciplines. These would definitely be useful and be used in future. The most important scientific findings are extremely useful to aviation.  About four to five weeks before the 26 December 2004 event, there was an interesting scientific observations. Australia is located at the southern corner of the southern hemisphere. All planes from Europe, India and other locations mostly pass through or over Singapore.  The long distance planes have a system known as ‘auto pilot system’ for navigation. Here the pilot gives the co-ordinates of the destination and then the auto pilot system takes over the flying of the aero plane. It was observed that all planes while passing over a particular location, the auto pilot system of the planes were getting disengaged. This means that there is something wrong (Garbar) in the system and the flying has to be taken over by manual system. During subsequent several flights the disengaging of auto pilot system was found, recorded and confirmed. At that time the scientific reason was not clear. After the occurrence, it was found that the location was the epicenter of the large earthquake. Before the occurrence of an earthquake the magnetic field at that location gets reduces. The reduction in magnetic field was affecting the auto pilot system.  Now some airlines have instructed pilots to keep a log of such events. I have tried to request the some Indian airline companies but I am awaiting their response. Now the Himalayan region is said to be heading for a very large magnitude earthquake. It would be better if airlines instruct their pilots to keep watch for such incidences.

During the tsunami it was observed that Thailand and Tamilnadu coast, especially Nagapattanam had suffered maximum damages and the tsunami heights at these locations were of the order of about 7.0 to 7.5 meters.  My self and my friend Dr Thiruvenkataswamy from Chennai mathematically examined the observation and come to very interesting observation. We have given a mathematical equation for this purpose. The tsunamigenic vulnerability of east coast of the country is not uniform. The reason is that the waves travelling in the direction of rupture have minimum energy. While the waves travelling at right angles to the direction have maximum energy. The rupture of about 1100 km during the earthquake was near Sumatera and it started from this place in SSE direction and went to NNW direction. From this location there is a Cocos Island in south direction at about 1450 km.  At the NNW end lies Kolkata and Dhaka which are more or less at the same distance of about 1450 km. At these locations the tsunami height was hardly 42 cms. This is very important from various angles.  Few years back the Bangladesh had requested an UN agency for couple of Million Dollars for organizing Tsunami protection. This is not required. Similarly the GOI should also change the uniform tsunamigenic disaster index for the entire east coast.

It well known that about ten hours before the earthquake the reception on television gets disturbed. There are audio, visual and spectral disturbances. The number of disturbances goes on increasing till earthquake time. Similarly all mobile telephone stop functioning about 100 to 120 minutes before earthquake.  These are mostly known as reliable seismic precursors.

The GOI had established an INCOIS (Indian National Committee for Ocean Information System) at Hyderabad. This does the work of observing earthquake and issue tsunami warning when required.  This is a watch and ward type organization. However, there is no institute undertaking basic studies in tsunami. Such studies would be useful to Navy, Ocean Engineering, Coastal development and Port expansion, Ocean Mining etc. I would like to request the GOI and A & N Administration to establish such an institute in Port Blair. At present there no national level institute in A & N. Most of the national institutes such as NPL, NCL etc are located on mainland. Establishment of Indian Tsunami Research Institute in Port Blair would be the first national level institute.

Dr Arun Bapat is a Research Seismologist and visited A & N after tsunami

Donald walked from the Oval to the Lincoln room, down the stairs, stared at paintings which stared back at him lifelessly, winked at Jefferson, frowned at Lincoln, strolled out onto the lawns, ignored secret service men who saluted, eyeballed visitors who gaped at him outside the protective fence, then walked back into the Whitehouse, walked from the Oval to the Lincoln room, and screamed, “I’m bored! I need a holiday!”

“Gee dad! Let’s go to New York!” cried his little son.

“I want a proper holiday, not ride up and down the Trump Tower’s elevator!” shouted Donald angrily, “What’s the use of money, if I can’t have a vacation!”

“And where would you go to daddy?” asked his daughter coming out of her room, “Any place in particular?”

Donald pulled out a crumpled travelogue from his pocket and spread it out, “Look at these beaches, one hundred and seventy-five miles of sand and sun! Just look at that children. I’ll be back with a tan that will even be the envy of Obama!”

“Which beach is that dad?”

“Latakia; exotic nameain’t it?”

“That’s in Syria dad! You’ve banned them here, they’ll ban you there!”

“What about this?” asked Donald furiously turning the pages of the travelogue with his small fingers.“That’s a lovely building named after my gambling den in Atlantic City!”

“That’s the Taj Mahal dad. Don’t forget your speeches got three Indians lynched and two killed. Your plane may not even reach Agra!”

“London should be safe for me!” said Donald hoarsely.

“It’s not safe for Theresa May herself!” whispered his daughter.

“Then it’s to New York I’ll go,” said Donald brightly, “Maybe a ride on my golden elevator, instead of walking up and down these ancient stairs! A bath in my diamond studded bathtub, where I’ll watch the whole city through my glass walls. Heh! Heh! Heh! That’s the holiday I need. Just to get away from here!”

“Look at this,” said his daughter opening a newspaper.

“What’s that?” asked Donald, “Where’s all that happening? In Iraq? Pakistan? Where?”

“Right outside our home in New York dad! People yelling, waving placards, holding banners, shouting slogans! You may not get much rest in New York dad!”

Donaldthrew the travelogue away. Hewalked from the Oval to the Lincoln room, down the stairs, stared at paintings which stared back at him lifelessly, looked at Jefferson, frowned at Lincoln, walked out onto the lawns, ignored secret service men who saluted, eyeballed visitors who gaped at him outside the protective fence, then walked back into the Whitehouse, walked from the Oval to the Lincoln room, and screamed, “I need a holiday!”

Was it Jefferson or Lincoln who’s whisper he heard saying, “You’re caged in Donald, by your own sweet words..!”

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By Yogi Ashwini

While most arthritis patients take to physiotherapists for treatment, they are unaware of the psychosomatic origins of the disease. Arthritis is essentially a manifestation of emotional congestion that arrest most people by their late twenties. This congestion causes the vital fluids in the joints to dry up slowly. Likewise a lot of friction is produced in the joints, making them brittle in the long run.

Nagging pain in the wrist, pain felt in knees while getting up, or pain in ankle joints , shoulders, pain in finger joints while writing, basically any pain felt in the joints, is the beginning of arthritis. What is the cause of this pain ? As per Ayurveda, this pain is a collection of ama (toxins) in the body which manifests as swelling. If we don’t immediately make amends then arthritis sets in. To remove these symptoms and get rid of arthritis it has to be corrected at the root. Yoga and Ayurveda go to root cause of the problem and the root cause is the emotional centre, the person is emotionally congested.

Clairvoyantly, emotions are seen as small beings/devils flying all around, looking for a weak point to sit on. Wherever they find weakness/instability they go and sit there and keep collecting and form a colony and then start draining the body of the vital prana. Prana, the force that holds the creation together as well as your body. As this prana is constantly being lost from a part of the body it gasps for prana, the same way like you gasp for breath, due to which there is a reaction in the body, somewhat like an allergic reaction which leads to swelling there, that’s arthritis. So simply stop getting emotionally congested, stop being emotional, But then you will ask how is that possible for a normal person? Yes it is definitely possible. You have to lead your life for yourself, for your personal experiences, if you do this there is no question of you being emotionally congested. But if you lead a life to control other people, telling them what they are supposed to do or the other way round people telling you what you are supposed to do then the problem of emotional congestion  starts. So the simplest way to arrest arthritis is stop being emotional. If you think that’s too difficult then let’s take help of yoga and Ayurveda.

Since the problem finds its roots in something that is beyond physical, the solution too calls for a more holistic approach. In the book ‘Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension’, I have detailed a technique to get riddance from heavy emotions by cutting connections with heavy prana from the surya chakra. This would remove all the heaviness and the body would feel light instantly.

Ayurvedic Remedy: Triphala , amla, baheda are mixed in equal proportions and pounded dry. This is called Tri-Phala , combination of three fruits. This mixture when taken twice a day- early morning and before sleeping at night with hot water, the pain starts to reduce.

In the next article we will take the help of specific yogic asans for getting rid of arthritis.

Yogi Ashwini is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and an authority on the Vedic Sciences. His book, 'Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension' is an acclaimed thesis on anti-ageing. Log onto to www.dhyanfoundation.com for more