For nearly a year, the only reason many looked in newspapers or at TV screens was for news of the vaccine, and finally when the vaccine is ready to roll out, there is a waning of interest. “What’s the problem?” I asked an old man who had actually rolled up his sleeves many months before and was now rolling them down and had his arms in defensive knots, “Why this reluctance for the vaccine?”

He was an old man, well into his eighties and I had always been particularly fond of him. I entered his room in the hospital and found him bent with his back to me doing something to his leg. I walked up and gently touched him, "Bob," he said, "my leg hurts!"

Even a President can incite a mob!

A Lawmaker Inciting men and women to become lawbreakers!

What the world saw happening to the greatest democracy on earth should be a lesson they should never forget!

A few hundred yards from where I live are buildings meant for the poorer section, put up, to take them out of the slums. One would think, that in their little crowded tenements, tempers would be high, and anger a way of life, but the happiest sounds of fun and laughter come from there.

 “How many times a day should I use these eye drops?” I asked the doctor.

 “As many times as you need to,” he said, “It’s only tears!”

I stared at the bottle. I looked hard at the price. One hundred and fifty rupees for a tiny bottle of tears!