Maybe you don’t know, or just maybe you don’t want to read between the lines but with recent pictures of a bare chested Putin flexing muscle, or another talking about the size of his chest, there’s a new breed of leader bosses emerging even in our own country:

 “For centuries,” said a gym instructor as he helped an aged politician climb onto a treadmill, “we’ve had those damn brains ruling the world but slowly brawn fought back and today, oh yeah, we’re on a winning streak! Like they say you can’t keep muscle down for long!”

Most of us seek approval.

How often I’ve seen a child or maybe an adult rushing home from school or work, eyes all aglow, “I’ve done well in my exam!” shouts the child to his parents, “I’ve got a fantastic order today!” says the man to his wife and they both stare with disappointment with reaction they get, “You’re supposed to do well anyway!” say the parents to the child, “Hope this order covers our rent!” sniffs wife to husband.

It’s always amused me some, that in the US a black man is called ‘coloured’. I guess to the white man of the old days, anything that was not white was coloured.

Today, though it’s not about the coloured folk of America I am going to write about but people, men and women who are colourful in their daily lives.

Are you one of them or are you a black and white person?

 “Don’t worry, we’ll keep you in a safe house!” says the police officer reassuringly to the frightened but bold person who has decided to testify against his criminal boss! And time and again as such a courageous person decides to stand up against the powerful, and testify in a court, the government protects him or her in a ‘safe house!

At least that’s what happens in the movies!

And gunmen and bodyguards stand alert night and day, around that house!

Was listening to Shashi Tharoor speak very eloquently on how the British looted India and about the atrocities committed. I have visited New Zealand and the United States, where the natives keep reminding the white people of the crimes perpetrated against them by early settlers.

The old grudges keep the divide open and festering, and works to great advantage by political leaders, who exploit the situation shouting, “Apologize!”

In our own country most political speeches carry reminders about Mughal invaders and English merchants cheats!