My hands are generally not the talkative type, my mouth makes up for that, so I was a tad surprised to hear them speak, “What’s with this new act?” they asked.

“New act?” I asked my hands, “What act?”

There were tears in her eyes, my daughter’s, as she led me up to the terrace “Look what they’ve done dad,” she wept. I stared with horror. The bird, a pigeon, hung by its neck, held by a thin string, one end of which was attached to a tree. Looking with pity at the lifeless body I reached out to the dead bird and found the same string was tied all round the little mite. “They tied her up dad,” she cried and then hung her there to die!”

I’ve found the easiest way to find a misplaced cell phone is to call my number and the find instrument ringing from under a pile of clothes, upturned book or sometimes screaming from my very own pocket, which made me wonder why we couldn’t have some such gadget for lost spectacles: Someone read my thoughts or maybe the thoughts of a billion spectacle users and losers, and newspapers say have invented glasses that whistle back at you when lost!

With so many actors and actresses dragged by narcotic authorities, either to jail or for questioning, many TV, cinema, and other fans are beginning to come up with strange thoughts and theories.

My neighbor, an old lady, who loves each new film release and insists on attending each release on the first day and first show, and is otherwise glued to her TV screen, was furious, “Why the temper?” I asked as I saw her looking out of the window.

Each successive government rewrites history, the way an author revises his books. "Look at this," says a minister in my imagination, thumbing through a book of history, "it says the English built the railways in India!"

"Nonsense!" says another minister, "Change that to the Late Vajpayee!"