By Manish Chadda, BCE, MIE,FIV,CE(I),D. Auto, PPC

Now a days disposal of waste is become a nuisance and of great concern for community and for individual too. And again if by disposing a waste we contaminate the ground water, which is depreciating at alarming level.

“You are so lucky Bob!” is something I hear ever so often from friends and relatives, who know I spend the day writing from home, “You can be so flexible with your time!”

“No, I can’t!” I’ve been saying for years.

In a huge white house somewhere in Washington, a lady walked slowly from room to room, staring sadly at each piece of historical furniture, “Whatcha doing?” asked her husband.

“Am gonna miss them table and chairs!” she said sadly, “I feel wretched leaving them!”

There’s a giant chessboard set up in the city of Mumbai, with only two pawns, both Bollywood actresses scrambling all over it’s surface, even as the two players, one a Central Giant and the other a State Tiger play their moves! Over a billion spectators, tired of listening to only Covid news, or the ranting and raving of nearly insane TV anchors, watch with unconcealed joy as two rook pawns, are moved not smoothly and deftly, like refined chess players would do, but roughly, sometimes cruelly and brutishly on the now bloodied chessboard!

A few years ago, someone travelling to a religious place out of the country, called me up, “I am very sorry for the wrong I have done to you, please forgive me!” he whispered.

“Sure!” I said, happy the person had it in him to apologize. A few months later, he did the very same wrong, “But didn’t you say sorry the last time?” I asked bewildered by his action.