It wasn’t too many years ago, every time the word ‘computers’ was mentioned, government employees would go on strike. Millions of man hours were wasted as clerks continued to painstakingly and laboriously write in ledgers and huge books, what they could have typed and transferred to another department in seconds.

And we the public suffered, as successive government either scared to lose the employees vote bank, or succumbing to the threat of the ‘strike’ blackmail, differed decisions to computerize!

After my morning walk, I sit for an hour on my terrace garden, savoring my pot of delicious coffee. All around me I hear the sounds of birds and squirrels, as the peepul tree towering over me provides a home to them and peace for me. As I sip away, different smells start drifting up to me; that of breakfasts being prepared by loving hands. There’s the aroma of aloo paratha, the whiff of an omellette, the crisp smell of a dosa, there’s bacon and eggs rising somewhere, and all the pleasant odours drift up to me, and enhance the beautiful mood I am in. I feel a stillness.

Every morning as I sit in my little garden and ponder on what to write, I look at the little blue collapsible stool on which I place my newspapers and remember my father. Today, on Father’s Day, I specially thought of him, because it was two days before he died that he sat on the very same stool, after driving with me to all my sites, sitting on the stool at each of my twelve worksites, and telling me how I could better the work my men were doing.

Very often we make a god out of a guru or priest and feel disappointed and even lose our beliefs when they fall.

Many, many years ago as a child I used to sit in church and like all youngsters fidget, look around and do everything except listen to the preacher. But there was one man I listened with rapt attention. He had me spell bound with his sermon. He was nothing great to look at; bald and short and dark. He was not even a flashy orator, but when he spoke from the scriptures he had the whole congregation mesmerized.

Racists! That’s what the two have been branded as! Two writers, Enid Blyton and Rudyard Kipling, who shaped our formative years, both in reading and in the unleashing of childhood imagination, and who today, are not there to defend themselves have been flagged as racists by a charity called English Heritage.