By Sarpreet Kaur

Geographical transition – A whole new world

It was December and instead of shivering in the hazy fog of Punjab, I was sweating in the sparkling sun of Andaman. That beautiful Andaman where curvy roads caress the wise and subtle mountains like a sari draped on women’s navel. In no time a swooshing sound makes you look on the other side of the road and you will be welcomed by an expanse of the blue sea playing with a yawning sun amidst the orange-red evening hue. The mind is boggled and wonders, whether to appreciate the dense green mountains where birds sang in a symphony or to be amazed by the lullaby waves, played on the shore. This is the world of exhilarating contrasts. This is Andaman.

‘..DNA of all Indians are same, irrespective of religion..’ RSS Chief, Mohan Bhagat.

How easy it is for us to voice words such as, ‘All Indians are my brothers and sisters!’ and then quietly turn away from some person worshiping in a way different from us!

But when a national leader, held in great reverence by a majority of the country, speaks his mind clearly and loudly and says, “We are all from the same DNA!” it makes an impact!

Five friends! Two, I left at airport gate and watched as they walked to meet their plane, stopping once to give a final wave. Three left with no wave, they could not move their hands, as two went into crematorium fire and one, lowered to earth below.

When we are called to part, it gives us immense pain, doesn’t it?

My daughter’s dog Noah has been left at my home for a few hours as she and my son-in-law have gone out for lunch. I watch him as he paces all over my home, looks through the window anxiously and watching him, I know his thoughts, “Will they come back for me?”

He’s still a pup, and soon will learn that they will always come back for him, but till that day arrives, he will remain a ‘worrier’!

 ‘Supreme Court: Kin of Covid victims entitled to compensation’ Indian Express

 “Why should we take responsibility for an act of god?” ask bewildered leaders.

In insurance parlance, Covid-19 is called an ‘act of god’ and payments are dealt with accordingly, but what measures were taken to protect citizens, how quickly and how effectively done, become ‘acts of man’ the Supreme Court seems to be telling the government.