‘Bang! Bang! Bang!’

Not once, not thrice either, but dozens of rounds, from a lethal AR-15 assault rifle!

Not in the wilds of Africa or a barbaric area like the present Syria, but in Boulder, 45 kilometres from Denver, in the Unites States, purportedly the most civilized nation in the world!

Immediately after the horrific shooting, President Biden called for stricter gun control measures!

As I drove to the airport that day, early this morning, my heart was heavy with sadness, I was going to say goodbye to my precious child and I drove in silence, “You okay dad?” she whispered, and I nodded,  glad she couldn’t see the tears welling in my eyes, but I knew, she knew the depth of my grief.

Many years ago, when she was born, my relatives had all been amazed at the closeness and rapport that developed between us. As a baby, crying with the pain of colic, all that was needed was me lifting her, and in an instant and to everyone’s amazement she stopped crying; just happy to be in my arms.

 “I am a very secular person!” announced Mrs Kapoori one day to the girls at home, who were her paying guests, “I don’t care if you are Punjabi or Bihari or South Indian!” And then she heard the noise. It was the sound of the door opening in the empty flat just above hers. Mrs Kapoor ran up the stairs and found a worker sweeping the floor inside. “What’s happening?” she asked.

There are many who’ve tried to define democracy, and there are many definitions for the same, but when I think of democracy I think of a road. A road called Democracy, leading to one’s Utopia! It is a narrow road, but one on which we have to allow all others to travel with us, because democracy can only survive if we all drive together. Most times we don’t; some of us drive a bigger car or a heavier truck and with forceful argument or bullying muscle we try to push others off the road, but it is of no avail, because without those others alongside, there’s no democracy at all.

There were trumpets and fanfare as his coffin was carried!

A few months ago, I heard about a funeral in America of a famous religious apologist, attended by the former Vice-President of the United States, Mike Pence. I have listened often to this preacher and was always amazed by the power of his mind, as he argued and debated principles and theology and startled the world with brilliant thought.

Many spoke about him, and when my mother told me many years before that he was related to her, I did not spare a moment in telling this to all and sundry, whenever his name was mentioned. How we love to drop names of the rich and famous, don’t we?