The old wizened lady, sat with a copy of the newspaper in her wrinkled hands and studied the obituary columns intently. “He, he, he,” she suddenly giggled to herself, “she’s dead, she’s dead. Oh, thank you, Lord, you’ve done it again!”

 “Who is it mom?” shouted a voice from inside the house as her daughter came running and stood by her mother.

A picture of a rocking chair in an advertisement of an old aged home, got me interested. ‘Relax!’ it said, “And let your life rock away!”

I looked at it, and felt a sense of peace and calm. “Imagine!” I told myself, “rocking my life away!”

And in my mind, I go to that home for the aged. “I would like to meet your manager!” I tell the watchman.

Many world leaders and people across the globe are wondering why dear Boris from Merry England’s been chosen India’s Republic Day chief guest. A tabloid in London interviewed him, and found he was blown over by the invitation, “It’s not every day one gets an invitation to visit our colonies!” said Boris, sweeping back his unruly hair, “I guess Lizzy’s too old to check on her subjects so they’re inviting me!”

The worried looking man entered the doctor’s clinic and allowed himself to be thoroughly examined. “You’re okay,” smiled the doc, “but something seems to be on your mind?”

“Well, to tell you the truth doc,” said the worried man, “I seem to be getting forgetful! No it’s actually worse than that, I can never remember where I park my car, where I’m going or what it is I’m going to do once I get there, I even forget who owes me money or to whom I owe any money! I really need help. What do I do doc?”

“Well for starters,” said the doctor, “Pay me in advance..!”

Being married to a doctor, I hardly know if I’m going to be greeted next morning with a hug or a syringe!

Today it was the syringe for me.

“I’m okay!” I shout in protest. “What is the need to draw blood so early in the morning? Sadist wife!” “Listen Bob,” she says firmly in that doctor voice of hers with syringe held threateningly in strike mode, “Stop being an ostrich, there’s nothing wrong in finding out, is there?! I meekly hold out my hand and turn away at my precious blood being sucked rapidly away!