No, I'm not writing on Hemingway. I’ve just borrowed his very famous title and using it for a few stray incidents I noticed while attending a seminar with seventeen speakers!

Yes, seventeen speakers, each given five minutes to express their views. All knowledgeable men and women, quite well known to the audience.

‘When you exceed your five minutes,’ they were told, ‘a bell will ring, telling you to wind up!’

Some of the richest people in the world are those who saw opportunity while others had not noticed anything. The others had eyes but couldn’t see!

A woman took her 14-year-old daughter to an oldies concert which was music from the 60's and 70's and felt lucky to get front row seats. When they returned home, her daughter said, “During the show, I looked back and saw hundreds of little lights swaying to the music. At first, I thought the people were holding candles, then realized the lights were the reflections off all the eyeglasses in the audience. Mother, could you all really see what was on stage after wearing glasses?"

We were driving in Ireland, when I saw a car with a learner sign and was told the driver had to be a learner for two years before he or she was issued a licence to drive. India, I found had one of the largest numbers of road accidents in the world, so here’s my imaginary experience with a driving school:

The instructor at the driving school looked up from the road map he was trying to read. “Don’t worry sir,” he said, giving me a toothy grin, “License, isn’t a problem, we will get you a driving license within a week.”

What kind of a leader are you? A weak one or a strong one?

Weak leaders are blind to any current situation. They solve the wrong problems in the wrong way. Good leaders understand what is happening. They size up the issue, and act at the proper time.

The last thing you’d think while traveling abroad is to hear much about your country, so I was pleasantly surprised to hear this huge, strapping Irishman who was chatting with me at a pub, knowing much about India, but a lot of it focussed on the hate campaigns that the country was going through.

A question I saw looming huge on his mind was, “How could you guys who taught the world how to gain freedom through peaceful means, stoop to violence?”